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Trigun Anime Review

Trigun Anime Review

If you love to watch shows like Firefly with a wild west theme and would not mind a touch of sci-fi along with a Japanese animation scheme, Trigun is the show for you. This show combines awesome gunfights with a zany sense of humor to delight its audience all the while promoting the theme of love and peace.

The central character within the show is named Vash the Stampede. After single handedly destroying the entire town of July, he becomes the first and only human to be declared a 'natural disaster'. Consequently he becomes known as 'The Humanoid Typhoon'. As the damages pile up and the reward for Vash increases, Bernardelli's Insurance Company determine to make contact with Vash the Stampede in an effort to somehow control the damage and keep from losing more money. They dispatch two young ladies named Meryl Strife and Milly Thompson to assess insurance claims related to Vash the Stampede.

While chasing the rumors of Vash the Stampede they repeated run into an odd person with a very strange personality which people keep referring to as the Humanoid Typhoon. However Meryl refuses to believe this and insists that they continue searching. It isn't until she repeatedly witnesses his crazy, unbelievable fighting style that she realizes it is indeed him. Contrary to the rumors and the reputation of being a cold-hearted villain, Vash actually intentionally fights with the intention of saving everyone. He therefore does not kill his opponents or even hurt them unnecessarily if he can avoid doing so. Because of these ideals, Vash suffers a lot at the hands of other people determined to hurt him or gain the reward which has been placed on his head.

Shortly through the series, Vash teams up with a man named Nicolas D. Wolfwood. They eventually team up and begin a campaign together, both having similar goals to help others. Nicholas D. Wolfwood does not believe in mercy like his partner Vash and instead shoots to kill which creates some tension between an otherwise perfect team.
Both Vash and Wolfwood sport unique weapons. Vash carries a large, modified .45 caliber auto-revolving pistol which he uses almost exclusively throughout the series as his primary weapon. He does however have a secondary boot knife and a hidden gun in his left arm, which is a prosthetic. Wolfwood sports a huge gun called the Punisher in the shape of a cross. This weapon conceals two machine guns and a rocket launcher, bringing more than adequate firepower to deal with most threats encountered. Additionally, the cross can open to reveal a cache of pistols which Wolfwood uses in one of his first fights as Vash's partner.

Trigun pushes for the valuing of all human (and non-human) life. Vash tirelessly works to protect both those who are innocent and those who are the instigators of injustice alike. Conclusion

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