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Educational Philosophy!

The role of the teacher is difficult to be underestimated in the education process. It is clear that teaching plays an important role in the learning process and shapes students' personalities and their cultural identities. In fact, teachers have certain powers and it is very important that they use this authority effectively and contribute to balanced student development. To achieve this goal, teachers need to develop their own educational philosophy that will help them not only to teach but, more importantly, to learn. 


First of all, it must be shown that the philosophy of the teacher can be formed under the influence of various factors, but it is possible to distinguish the two most important constituent elements from their philosophy. On the one hand, it is the actions of the teacher, their behavior that can really determine their philosophy because they have certain behavioral models, habits that they often cannot change but which sometimes they must change to develop a very effective educational philosophy. In such situations, it is very important to consider other important factors, namely what teachers think about their actions because it is the reflection on their actions can change not only teacher behavior but their educational philosophy in general. Clearly, they must be very critical in analyzing their actions and trying to assess them as objectively as possible to choose the right direction in the development of their educational philosophy. In such a way, teachers, who can have an impact on students by their behavior and ideas, must develop their educational philosophy based on these important elements.

Basically, it needs to be underlined that there are two possible ways for the development of educational philosophy. First of all, it is possible to develop an educational philosophy during action. This means that a teacher can reflect on his behavior when he takes actions and analyzes them immediately. For example, a teacher can scan the situation in class during a lesson by asking students to find out whether the lesson or problem being discussed is interesting to them or not. In analyzing the information received, a teacher can change his behavior or continue the lesson if it is successful.

However, this is more a short-term approach because it provides an opportunity to study only the current situation and analyze the teacher's current behavior and assess whether it is effective or not, right or wrong. At the same time, it does not provide an opportunity to analyze the situation in depth and, consequently, it is practically impossible to fully understand student reactions to teacher behavior and it is often quite difficult to choose the most effective way of behavior. immediately.
In such situations, other strategies for developing an educational philosophy might be quite effective. What is meant here is the development of a philosophy of teacher education based on an analysis of their past actions. Unlike the previous approach, this one implies that the teacher does not analyze the current situation in the class, for example, but, instead, tries to objectively evaluate their past actions and behavior, they consider what they are doing and whether it is true or not. no, or maybe the way they can act better in certain situations. In analyzing their past behavior, teachers have an excellent opportunity to have a greater view of their work and behavior and to objectively and more deeply analyze it. This will naturally open up opportunities for the development of long-term strategies and analysis of the general effectiveness of educational philosophy in the long run.

Obviously, both approaches can be very effective in developing an educational philosophy but true professional teachers prefer to apply both rather than focus on just one approach. Actually, such a combination is very important because it is important that the teacher can change and improve his behavior immediately in a concrete situation depending on the circumstances, but he must also be able to make a deep strategic analysis of his abilities. For example, his actions to reveal more in-depth details that can remain unnoticed in a short analysis during the lesson.

However, it is possible to conclude that, regardless of the approach teachers use in developing their educational philosophy, it is important to remember that they are responsible for their students and not only at this time but for their later lives also because consciously or not, students learn from the teacher and gradually influenced by their behavior, actions, thoughts, ideas, and philosophy widely.

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