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Psychiatrist Jobs

Psychiatrist Jobs - Find Out How to Get One

Psychiatrist jobs are usually rampantly available because they are really a specialty niche. There is a lot of education that goes into becoming a psychiatrist. It is not something that you can go into lightly. There is a laundry list of requirements to become a psychiatrist so these jobs are very high paying and loaded with perks.

To be a psychiatrist not only requires a slew of education but there is also licensing requirements that vary from state to state.


To be able to score one of the psychiatrist jobs it is important to start planning early. There are degree requirements that have to be met. Typically education will begin with a four year degree in some type of health discipline or one of the sciences. Than it is off to medical school, from there you have to work as an intern to earn your specialty credentials. Plan on spending around ten years in some form or another of higher education.

Psychiatrist VS Psychologist

Many people confuse psychiatrist jobs with psychologist jobs these two fields, although both deal with behavior and the brain are very different indeed. Psychiatrists go to medical school while psychologists do not. Psychiatrist can write prescriptions while psychologists can not. Both address mental illness but both address it in very different ways.


Psychiatrist jobs are very lucrative you can expect to be paid at least in the low six figure range for an entry level position once fully credentialed. There are usually other perks as well in addition to salary because the jobs are so hard to fill many health organizations will offer out of the world incentives to come join the team.

Some of the incentives will include housing, paying relocation expenses and even golf and country club paid membership. These types of jobs are highly rewarded.

The salaries and other benefits are paid because so much time and effort is put into becoming qualified for these types of jobs that the employer realizes how competitive the market is, after all not many people are willing to go to school for the amount of time it takes to get their credentials and put in the intern time, there is quite a bit of personal sacrifice involved in becoming qualified for these types of jobs.

Psychiatrist jobs are hard to qualify for but if the time and effort is put forth than it will be rewarded handsomely.

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