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What is Management

What is Management

What is management what is management for example can you imagine running a school without principal then now a country without government our experts team without coach no it's not possible in the same way a business organization business organization can't run without the man has manatee so need to know first what is management.

management is a the science of getting things done the science of getting things done through our with others other people generally by having generally by organizing and directing the activities on the job so this is what is the getting things done that is important this is getting things done with people through our with people by organizing and directing this is what is basically the management. so the management is actually involves comprises four minor activities four main activities that's called a pork evoke LC means P means planning woman's organizing L means leading C means controlling so it is also mainly management involves planning organizing leading and controlling these four comprises management this for activities comprises management so what this emphasizes this emphasizes management plans and guides the organization.

organization and the people in the organization in the organization that is what is management management Impa comprises planning organizing leading and controlling and it plans and guides the organization and the people what is the purpose of doing all these things what is the purpose of doing everything here that is the there to use resources efficiently and effectively what is the meaning of efficiently and effectively you will come to know in future videos unless resources Katz so management has to decide take the decisions makes planning and it has to organize it has to lead it has to control to do to use effective resources to achieve the goals girls always there is a goal that is what is management.

management Tisa I hope you understood what is management management is getting things done through people in an organization it comprises mainly four activities planning organizing leading and controlling management comprises these four activities to use the resources to achieve the goals efficiently and effectively that is what is the meaning of the management.

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