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Good Anime Fight Music

Good Anime Fight Music

The best anime action-adventure about the series is their crazy battle music. Nice and good animation. Even with the right music in the background this most ordinary animation can reach new levels. And is the animation good? Forget it. Happiness.

This is a list of several anime songs that I personally like.

Temple of Prey

Anyone here an Ippo fan? Of course you are. If you aren't, there's the door.

Hajime no Ippo is an anime about boxing. It's protagonist gets into the ring to find out what it means to be strong, only to then get recruited by a genius boxing coach because of his impressive fighting spirit. Seriously, Ippo Makunouchi doesn't go down. His story continues in the manga's 103rd volume (last I check) and an upcoming third season.

Some of the best songs around are in two anime series. Temple of Prey is the theme song to Lollapalooza, the rematch between rookie kings Ippo and Sendou Takeshi, which is undoubtedly the best match of the anime to date. No, it's not because Ippo springs out of the corner with a surprise Dempsey Roll and hands Sendou his pride on a silver platter. It's not because Sendou gets his ribs broken late in the match but keeps battering away like the champ he is. It's not because of that awesome ending combo Ippo did which someone made into a gif that I saw back in high school before even watching Ippo and wet my pants over. No, it's none of those reasons that made that match memorable.


Burn My Dread - Last Battle

No, Persona 3 is not an anime.

Yes, it is supposed to play like one.

Yes, its soundtrack is boss.

No, I don't have a point. Just wanted to say that about the soundtrack.

Anyway, I was looking for some beatdown music for a demo vid of a Mugen character I was customizing, and guess what I found? A killer track from Persona 3 the remix to "Burn My Dread", in fact. I'm guessing it's some last boss music type stuff because it OWNS.

I think the lyrics go something like:
You have ashes all over / blood all over

Spit it out son / Game's over"

I was like...oh my. That's a tad too epic for this precious dearly little demo of mine.

...Meaning I chose another song for the demo. :P


Just About Every Fight Track In Gurren Lagann

Gurren Lagann is the greatest and most uberest piece of super fantastic ever to get down all up in this, in all of forever ever and I truly and sincerely mean that.

Aside from the whole planet-sized mecha going HAM on each other thing, the soundtrack is completely aces, and you'd have to be a debilitated Slowbro to not realize it. Some proof lines in the list of good anime fight music I can offer.

Super Ninja Fighting Music

In the words of YouTubers:

For the most devout part, maybe they keep from the series you've seen because this song is better than Jesus riding a veloceraptor and carrying a bazooka while Chuck Norris is fighting high
Sometimes that's how I feel listening to tracks from Naruto especially Naruto Shippuden.

Sometimes that's how I feel in general.

Probably the biggest thing that surprised me about Naruto was the soundtrack. I mean, yeah, ninjas are cool. But electric guitar riffs behind sumo wrestlers going at it to some drums and a shamisen? Yoh~.

Brb high-fiving Chuck Norris.

And the list goes on...

Youtube has vids for all the above tracks, and I've compiled a list of them for easier browsing. Actually, I probably haven't scratched the surface here. Look forward to another list!

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